Corey Burton

Voice actor

Corey Burton

Thanks to ConnectionOpen, it's as if I am right there on a Hollywood soundstage or major recording studio, because there's hardly any lag, and the audio fidelity is indistinguishable. ConnectionOpen's simple, straightforward iPad iOS app is the way I want to continue performing character/voice over work remotely.


Corey Burton is a well established American voice actor, with a prolific back catalogue of film, television and videogame work, including major entertainment franchises like Star Wars, DC Universe, Transformers and countless other Disney projects.


Barnaby Robson testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Barnaby Robson

Professor, performer, composer and music producer.

Having both great sound quality and video sync in the same package is fantastic - I highly recommend ConnectionOpen!

Dave Fennoy testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Dave Fennoy

Voice Actor

As a voice actor I’ve used ISDN for years, but ConnectionOpen is a whole new way to connect to clients, It’s faster, cleaner, simpler, and less expensive than anything I’ve seen. ConnectionOpen is amazing.

Rob Paulsen ConnectionOpen review

Rob Paulsen

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen provides me with world-class tech that allows me to do seamless work of the highest quality.

Kyle McCarley testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Kyle McCarley

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen is without a doubt the head of the class, plus it’s simple to set up. Completely lossless remote audio at an insanely fast speed.