Andy Danish

Voice Actor

Andy Danish testimonial about ConnectionOpen

I first was turned onto ConnectionOpen as an alternative recording collaboration platform during spring of 2020. I was looking to find a smoother platform for dubbing and ADR. It worked wonders! It’s user friendly, runs very smoothly, and feels almost like I’m at the studio with the producer in person. I’ve recommended it to every studio I work with.


Andy is a voice actor based in Los Angeles. His playful sense of humor and engaging, theatrical style makes him an industry favorite.


John McClain testimonial about ConnectionOpen

John McClain

Grammy awarded Sound Engineer and Designer

Easy, simple, ahead of the competition. The audio is uncompressed, the delay is essentially imperceptible.

Kordell Pritchard testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Kordell Pritchard

Voice Actor

If you’re thinking about your software, you’re not thinking about your performance. That’s why ConnectionOpen should be the standard - no port mapping, no need for tutorials, no headache.

Rob Paulsen ConnectionOpen review

Rob Paulsen

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen provides me with world-class tech that allows me to do seamless work of the highest quality.

Barrett Leddy testimonial about ConnectionOpen

Barrett Leddy

Voice Actor

ConnectionOpen is probably the closest thing we have right now to recording in-studio.